Unlock the SAFE
You have to unlock a SAFE. You know that the lock is radio controlled and uses encryption for payload. Reverse, listen, learn, disable.
Rules of engagement
/ You need your own hardware for RF sniffing.
/ No participant will be allowed to touch the devices at any given time. The only allowed way for the participants/teams to attack the devices is from the radio side only.
/ If any of the participants/team needs to take a closer look or needs a reset device, please announce the on-site team.
/ Jamming is forbidden.
/ Use defcamp.certsign.ro to get full information about the challenge and submit the FLAG
/ In case of a dispute, the on-site team will have the final decision after hearing all the parties involved
/ The prize will not be validated until a complete and detailed write-up is submitted to the team leader by email
/ Only one prize per participant/team
/ First blood get the first prize
/ A secondary device with similar parameters will be available for second prize. This will only become active after confirmation of the successful solving the first device.
/ Valentin Necoara
/ Iulian Anton