Summer Brings Fresh & Exciting News From DefCamp #6

It’s been a while since we’ve shared some news so we’ve decided to take this Monday to do it. Even if summer is the proper period for relaxing and holidays, we’ve prepared a lot of surprises for DefCamp #6.

DefCamp 2014 - Main conference room
Let’s take the speakers zone – it’s amazing to see so many awesome people applying to join our conference in November. We’ve started to post some of them already on the website and more will join them. Our awesome speakers are truly amazing 🙂
Next, as we previously announced we’ve diversified almost everything this year. Two stages in the same time (workshop and main stage), more tickets categories, more benefits, more speakers, more quality presentations, more security, more DefCamp.
We definitely have seen an increased interest in the IT security field so we will do our best to keep everything at the highest level and to increase the range of topics, of partners and of participants.
Don’t forget to stay tuned for our D-CTF, news will come out very soon! If last year we had 1.000 teams registered for the competition, this year we expect even more!
What can I say, it’s a great pleasure to see so many talented people interested in DefCamp, in the end we are all driven by the passion for IT security and because of this we will do our best to create a safer world.
We encourage all the young ones to learn more about the topic, we encourage all the world to be aware of the good, the bad and the ugly about IT security.

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