Kickstarting your infosec career – an honest..

BY andra.zaharia
“Where do I even start? I think I want to pursue a career in information security but there are SO many ..

Practice your cybersecurity skills for free on ..

BY florina
It’s no secret there’s a major cybersecurity skills shortage affecting organizations all over the world, ..

Ljubica Pendaroska: To grow in infosec, rely on ..

BY andra.zaharia
Until now, Ljubica Pendaroska has relentlessly pursued a clear mission in her career: to promote human rights ..

Unlock the SAFE Write-up Hacking Village 2019

BY defcamp
During DefCamp 2019, certSIGN organised a competition in the Hacking Village called Unlock the SAFE. The ..

Capture the Firmware Write-up Hacking Village 2019

BY defcamp
During DefCamp 2019, Garret Advancing Motion organised a competition in the Hacking Village called Capture the..

“We generate so, so much data that we’re ..

BY andra.zaharia
One of the best things about cybersecurity is that everyone brings their own flavor, experience, and ..

“See as much of what’s going on in the InfoSec..

BY andra.zaharia
It’s often the things you don’t see or know that cause the biggest anxiety when you’re trying to figure ..

Unlock the SAFE

BY defcamp
Back to Contests Unlock the SAFE You have to unlock a SAFE. You know that the lock is radio controlled and ..

Hack the Hackers

BY defcamp
Back to Contests Hack the Hackers The goal of this contest is to discover vulnerabilities in ..

“Meeting with family is important” (the hacker..

BY ioana.rijnetu
Almost everyone can be part of a community but it takes a special kind of person to lead one, to support it ..

Adrian Furtuna

BY defcamp
BIOGRAPHY Adrian is the founder of, an online platform which helps security teams ..

“What makes something ‘more secure’ in ..

BY andra.zaharia
Today we’re taking a look at cybersecurity from a different angle. We’re going to peek behind the curtains..

“Bug bounty programs now allow ethical hackers ..

BY andra.zaharia
Things have never been simple in cybersecurity. However, looking at the current challenges can make almost ..

Penetration Tester at BIT SENTINEL (DC-0001)

BY defcamp
POSITION We are looking for a passionate and dedicated senior cybersecurity specialist to join our growing ..

Apply for this position​

BY sysadmin
Apply for this position​ You will receive a confirmation email after you submit the form.  * DefCamp team ..