Maksim Iavich
Maksim Iavich is PH.D. in mathematics and professor of computer science. He is CEO & President of Scientific Cyber Security Association (SCSA). Maksim is affiliate professor and the head of cyber security direction in Caucasus University. Maksim is cyber security consultant in Georgian and international organizations. He uses to be the invited speaker at international cyber security conferences and is the organizer of many scientific cyber security events. He has scientific awards in cyber security field. Maksim is the author of many scientific papers. The topics of the papers are: cyber security, cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, quantum cryptography, mathematical models and simulations.
Post-quantum scheme with the novel random number generator with the corresponding certification method.
Scientists and engineers are working to develop quantum computers. Google Corporation, Universities Space Research Association and federal agency NASA together with D-WAVE are now ready for the breakthrough of quantum technology. Eventually quantum computers will be capable of cracking the cryptographic codes used today to secure communications and financial transactions. Presently used digital signature systems are irresistible to attacks implemented by quantum computers and the world should have adopted quantum-resistant cryptography.
The security of currently used digital signature systems is based on the problem of calculating discrete logarithms and the large numbers factoring. Some cryptosystems for example RSA – with four thousand bit keys are useful to stand against attacks implemented on classical computer, but are absolutely useless against attacks implemented by quantum computers. To date we meet RSA cryptosystem on almost each step, as it is used by many large organizations, for example, in government institutions, banks, most corporations, government laboratories and universities. The fact that the destruction of RSA can entail the rather easy hacking of the most systems, can lead to a real chaos. Hash based one-time signature scheme offered by Lamport–Diffie is considered as alternative digital signature scheme for the post-quantum era. The signature size is very large in this scheme. One-time signature scheme offered by Winternitz significantly reduces the signature size as in this scheme we can use one string of the key to sign several bits of the hashed message. It must be mentioned, that we face the problem when use one time signature scheme to exchange the big number of the keys as it uses different key pairs for every message. To solve this problem, Merkle signature scheme was offered. To generate a public key in this system, it is needed to calculate and store a big amount of one-time keys pairs. Storing this amount of information is not effective in practice. In order to save space, it was suggested to use the PRNG random number generator. When using PRNG, it is sufficient to store only the seed of the generator and use it to generate one-time keys. It is necessary to calculate one-time keys twice: once in the key generation stage and then in the signature stage of the message.
The scientists show that it is possible to break PRNGs, which were considered secure by means of quantum computers. Therefore, Merkle crypto system with built-in PRNG can be vulnerable to attacks of quantum computers. It is obligatory to use PRNG, which is secure against the attacks of quantum computers. We offer to use Hash_DRBG which is accepted by NIST. The mentioned PRNG needs the random seed. We offer to use the quantum random seed. We offer the new methodology of creating the quantum seed. We also offer the novel methodology of the certification of the seed. The offered methodologies are secure and efficient. The methodologies are integrated into Merkle cryptosystem. The proof of security is offered. During the presentation I will also offer the programming implementation of the offered solutions.
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