This is how a paragraph block looks like. Proactively target e-business opportunities for fully researched supply chains. Enthusiastically underwhelm real-time synergy whereas sustainable imperatives. Continually seize cutting-edge infrastructures vis-a-vis alternative materials.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Credibly morph client-focused human capital after effective methods of empowerment. Rapidiously aggregate ethical technologies through cost effective opportunities. Completely.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using
Credibly morph client-focused human capital after effective methods of empowerment. Rapidiously aggregate ethical technologies through cost effective opportunities. Completely.
- Sapiente hoodie wayfarers
- Pariatur leggings Banksy
- Pitchfork accusamus
- Helvetica distillery dolor
- Echo Park exercitation
- Pinterest delectus cray voluptate
- Aliqua cred Terry Richardson
- Pitchfork accusamus
This block is used when you need to display tabular data. Intrinsicly impact client-centered processes via wireless “outside the box” thinking. Authoritatively unleash cross-unit internal or “organic” sources and cross-platform quality.
–default table
Name | Nickname | Number |
Jill | Joker | 50 |
Eve | Batman | 94 |
John | Robin | 80 |
Completely expedite timely experiences and future-proof initiatives. Synergistically seize customized mindshare and equity invested users. Assertively disseminate resource sucking internal.
Table blocks have two different stylings too. Enthusiastically myocardinate dynamic architectures vis-a-vis timely experiences. Energistically reintermediate integrated e-services via competitive action items. Interactively customize competitive expertise vis-a-vis.
*No support in IE 8
–For zebra-striped tables, use the table class “is-style-stripes-odd” or “is-style-stripes-even” and add a background-color to all even (or odd) table rows:
Name | Nickname | Number |
Jill | Joker | 50 |
Eve | Batman | 94 |
John | Robin | 80 |
Objectively envisioneer an expanded array of scenarios and seamless users. Objectively foster progressive partnerships with end-to-end human capital. Uniquely.
How to add a new tab?
– first step:
In the first html section add a new title tab with container ID – https://prnt.sc/oygsio
<a href=”#nav-20year” class=”t-tab” data-toggle=”tab”> / ’20 </a>
– #nav-20year – container ID
– second step:
Second, Add a new container with the same ID – see the example: https://prnt.sc/oygvlk
To make the tab active you must add the “active” class to the container – https://prnt.sc/oygwat
Speakers grid
number (int) – number of post to show per page
order_by (string) – Sort retrieved posts by parameter. Defaults to ‘date (post_date)’.
- ‘none‘ – No order
- ‘ID‘ – Order by post id. Note the capitalization.
- ‘title‘ – Order by title. (‘post_title‘ is also accepted.)
- ‘name‘ – Order by post name (post slug). (‘post_name‘ is also accepted.)
- ‘date‘ – Order by date. (‘post_date‘ is also accepted.)
- ‘modified‘ – Order by last modified date. (‘post_modified‘ is also accepted.)
speaker_category (string) – category url
shortcode_homepage (int 0 or 1) – contition for homepage (first box)
see the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/oyghq5
number_speakers (int) – contition for homepage (first box)
see the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/oygif5
title_speakers (string) – contition for homepage (first box)
see the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/oygimp
Blog post grid
posts_per_page (int) – number of post to show per page
orderby (string) – Sort retrieved posts by parameter. Defaults to ‘date (post_date)’.
- ‘none‘ – No order
- ‘ID‘ – Order by post id. Note the capitalization.
- ‘title‘ – Order by title. (‘post_title‘ is also accepted.)
- ‘name‘ – Order by post name (post slug). (‘post_name‘ is also accepted.)
- ‘date‘ – Order by date. (‘post_date‘ is also accepted.)
- ‘modified‘ – Order by last modified date. (‘post_modified‘ is also accepted.)
order (string) – DESC/ASC
post_type (string) – post
category_name (string – category url) – the categories need to be separated by commas
Competitions post grid
limit (int) – number of competitions to show
status (string)
- ‘active‘ – Active competitions.
- ‘end‘ – Competitions that are over.
- ‘all‘ – All competitions
order (string) – DESC/ASC
Competitions recent posts
Competitions single post
How to add a competition
first step: https://prnt.sc/oz23lp
- Competition name
- Header menu theme
- Status Competition
- Feature image
second step:
Import “Competition single post” – tempalte https://prnt.sc/oz2hnq
title invisible for menu should be div
- Add new section >> Click Add template >> My template >> “Toc menu (dynamic titles)” >> Insert
- Use the “sticky stopper” class to hide the toc menu.
Toc menu
Daca adaugi “Heading” https://prnt.sc/p5dvzf in pagina care are inclus “Toc menu” apare automat in meniu. Daca title-ul este prea mare atunci se poate schimba din h2 sau h3 in tag ul P sau div/span https://prnt.sc/p5dx18 si acel titlu nu va fi adaugat in meniu. Iar pentru a adauga un title mai scurt se va mai adauga un “Heading” cu tag ul h2 sau h3 in dependeta de caz si apoi se va adauga clasa “invisible” pentru a nu aparea in pagina https://prnt.sc/p5dydu
Un astfel de exemplu gasesti pe pagina “D-CTF-2019“
Def box
Pentru a adauga un asfel de box https://prnt.sc/p5dzvi se va adauga clasa def-box.(cel mai bine este sa folosesti copy/paste) – un astfel de exemplu este pagina “D-CTF-2019“
Pentru a adauga un speaker sau o competitie se va folosi tempalte-urile create https://prnt.sc/p5e1dk