Search Results for: defcamp
IoT Village
29/08/2019 BY sysadmin
IOT Village is designed to have a practical approach towards device hacking allowing the participants to win ..
Ariadne’s Thread 5.0
29/08/2019 BY sysadmin
You may think that you don’t have what it takes to work in cyber-security, you may not have seen the job ads..
Call for Papers
25/08/2019 BY sysadmin
Call for Papers Great to have you here! First we are a community built in many years and as a community, we ..
25/08/2019 BY sysadmin
DefCamp 2024 Schedule Worldwide recognized speakers will showcase the naked truth about sensitive topics like ..
24/08/2019 BY sysadmin
Meet, greet and learn from infosec rockstars Get to know the experienced infosec specialists who share their ..
21/08/2019 BY sysadmin
DefCamp / International Hacking & Information Security November 28-29CONFERENCE TICKETS CONF Access to ..
19/08/2019 BY sysadmin
The DefCamp conference It started as a small meetup among friends that shared a common passion for ..
Become our Partner
19/08/2019 BY sysadmin
DefCamp Partnership Through the yearly conference, DefCamp reached thousands of professionals and companies ..
Hacking Village
19/08/2019 BY sysadmin
Hacking Village This has been the DefCamp playground for all hacking activities since 2016. Since then, we ..
International Hacking & Cyber Security ..
19/08/2019 BY sysadmin
Join the largest cybersecurity conference from CEE November 28th-29th Palace of the Parliament | Bucharest, ..
8 Questions About Cybersecurity You’re ..
8/08/2019 BY ioana.rijnetu
In a time when cyberattacks happen at an alarming rate and everyone is talking about privacy and security, the..
How CTFs make you a better infosec specialist
4/06/2019 BY andra.zaharia
Hi there! Can you believe it’s already summer? That means we’re a few short months away from some of the ..
What it’s like to work in cybersecurity ..
3/06/2019 BY andra.zaharia
When we started this series, our initial goal was to help women in cybersecurity get a feel of the ..
Live blogging: what’s going on at Ladies in ..
21/03/2019 BY ioana.rijnetu
We’ve been waiting for this day and it’s finally happening! We’re ready to get our dose of inspiration ..
What it’s like to work in cybersecurity ..
11/03/2019 BY andra.zaharia
Eight years ago, when we started building the DefCamp community, one of the things we really cared about was ..