Search Results for: defcamp
Hack the Bank
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
Typical attacks on ATMs include sensitive information disclosure and unauthorized money withdrawal. The ..
Bob, the Hacker Bot
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
Bob is a simple Robot that knows how to navigate on different website. He is also able to test websites ..
Critical Infrastructure Attack
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
At Critical Infrastructure Attack challenge you will have the chance of a full hacking experience against ..
Defend the Castle
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
You know them by name: Ghost, Heartbleed, ShellShock, ImageTragick, StageFright. Vulnerabilities so big that ..
Cookies Table
13/09/2019 BY defcamp
Cookies Table The tables below list some of the internal and third-party cookies we use. As the names, ..
Cookies Policy
13/09/2019 BY defcamp
Cookies Policy Effective: May 25, 2018 Asociatia Centrul de Cercetare in Securitate Informatica din Romania ..
Privacy Policy
13/09/2019 BY defcamp
Privacy Policy Purpose and who we are The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe how Asociatia Centrul ..
Passport to Prizes
10/09/2019 BY sysadmin
Passport to Prizes Passport to prizes is a special raffle for all DefCamp attendees who want to get involved ..
9/09/2019 BY sysadmin
Conference Committee & Advisory DefCamp started in 2011 as a small meetup among friends. Nine years ..
Become a Volunteer
9/09/2019 BY sysadmin
Become a Volunteer DefCamp has grown so much in the past years! In 2023 alone more than 1,700 industry ..
Terms & Conditions
9/09/2019 BY sysadmin
Terms & Conditions We strongly advise that you print this page and keep a copy for your records. Once you..
Visit Bucharest
8/09/2019 BY sysadmin
Visit Bucharest As the largest city of Romania, with a population of over 2 million inhabitants, Bucharest is ..
8/09/2019 BY sysadmin
DefCamp 2024 Venue The conference takes place at the Palace of the Parliament. @ Izvor Street 2-4 – C1 ..
Call for Contests
7/09/2019 BY sysadmin
Call for Contests Our DefCamp community dedicated environment for activities and competitions is the Hacking ..
“An APT has targeted me more than once.”
3/09/2019 BY andra.zaharia
Eva Galperin is at the forefront of some of the delicate and pervasive issues in cybersecurity today. This ..