Search Results for: defcamp 11
That’s a wrap on D-CTF 2020, hackers! See ..
9/12/2020 BY florina
No time to sleep for the hacker teams that enrolled in the latest edition of DefCamp Capture the Flag! Over ..
Unlock the SAFE Write-up Hacking Village 2019
16/12/2019 BY defcamp
During DefCamp 2019, certSIGN organised a competition in the Hacking Village called Unlock the SAFE. The ..
Capture the Firmware Write-up Hacking Village 2019
25/11/2019 BY defcamp
During DefCamp 2019, Garret Advancing Motion organised a competition in the Hacking Village called Capture the..
Unlock the SAFE
23/10/2019 BY defcamp
Back to Contests Unlock the SAFE You have to unlock a SAFE. You know that the lock is radio controlled and ..
Hack the Hackers
23/10/2019 BY defcamp
Back to Contests Hack the Hackers The goal of this contest is to discover vulnerabilities in ..
Adrian Furtuna
18/10/2019 BY defcamp
BIOGRAPHY Adrian is the founder of, an online platform which helps security teams ..
“What makes something ‘more secure’ in ..
16/10/2019 BY andra.zaharia
Today we’re taking a look at cybersecurity from a different angle. We’re going to peek behind the curtains..
Car Hacking Village
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
During the CAR Hacking village, will introduce the basic attack vector which helps the newbies to play CTF. ..
Brainpick CTF
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
In a world where Black Mirror and 1948 are becoming reality, profiling a given person is only a matter of ..
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
You can’t really know what is lurking around in the air. Are you on a secure connection? Don’t worry, we ..
Hack the Bank
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
Typical attacks on ATMs include sensitive information disclosure and unauthorized money withdrawal. The ..
Bob, the Hacker Bot
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
Bob is a simple Robot that knows how to navigate on different website. He is also able to test websites ..
Critical Infrastructure Attack
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
At Critical Infrastructure Attack challenge you will have the chance of a full hacking experience against ..
Defend the Castle
14/09/2019 BY defcamp
You know them by name: Ghost, Heartbleed, ShellShock, ImageTragick, StageFright. Vulnerabilities so big that ..
Passport to Prizes
10/09/2019 BY sysadmin
Passport to Prizes Passport to prizes is a special raffle for all DefCamp attendees who want to get involved ..